Friday, October 22, 2010

How to Avoid Health Insurance Scam

Since health insurance policies are not used immediately after they are purchased, so it is very hard to gauge if a certain policy is as good as it is claimed to be. This is the prime reason why many a company, though seems to be legitimate, sells fake policies to the unsuspecting persons and gets away unscathed. These ordinary persons experience bolt from the blue when they are hospitalized and come to know that all the claims made to the insurance companies are rejected outright. As the policies turn out to be fake, so the patients have to bear the burnt of the cost for the treatment.

As you are going to make hefty payment year after year to purchase an insurance policy, so make sure to get it from a reputed insurance provider. The renowned insurance companies are not in habit of playing such a dirty game with their clients. Now, the question is how to stay off from a fraud insurance policy? Just follow the guidelines and you can easily sense if a policy is fake or not.

First check if the agent is licensed or of 'enrolment' or 'membership' type. If the agent does not have license, no need to approach further as chance is greater that you will slip into a fraud case. Always avoid the discount plan as it is not designed to provide major insurance coverage. You will just avail discount for medical services and nothing more than that. Never siphon off your hard-earned money for the polices that require you to pay for the 'membership fees or union dues' but never mention anything about premium. The fake policies clamour that their insurance coverages are guaranteed but do not exclude the 'per-existing' conditions. These insurance policies seem to come cheap on the wallet and it is only in the remote future when the insured persons realize they have been cheated or duped.

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